Used FH 26 Harp (Dusty Strings) SOLD

Used FH 26 Harp (Dusty Strings) SOLD


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The FH series represents the top end of the Dusty Strings selection. If you have ever dreamed of a small scale harp, built with the finest materials in a fabulous workshop, this is the harp for you! Crafted from Walnut, the deep color matches well the warm tone of the FH series which plays with a light and uplifted tone, easily accessed with low tensioning...a perfect Celtic harp!!  The original owner was meticulous in her instrument care and the harp is in absolutely pristine condition. The FH26 features exquiste wood, with book matched soundboard of solid mahogany core, hardwood veneer. The 26 strings are of nylong mono-filament with nylon-core bass wire at the bottom.  Small and light enough to be easily portaged, this harp is ideal for the advanced or professional harpist looking for a harp to use in travel or small spaces. Harp is fully levered with loveland levers and has a pickup system already installed!   New this harp would run $3670 with the this condition, the harp is very advantageously priced at $2780.

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