Used Coda Joule Cello Bow - C502 (SOLD)

Used Coda Joule Cello Bow - C502 (SOLD)
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Used Coda Joule Cello Bow.
One owner.
Requires Rehair
The price is $720 including rehair (Original Value: $830.00)
Bold and brilliant, the CodaBow JOULE boasts a powerful resonance on the bottom strings and strong projection across all ranges. Unattainable with traditional materials, the innovative design of the shaft adds more mass to critical performance areas while preserving a balanced weight and comfortable flexibility. This unique design allows the bow to grab the string and speak effortlessly whether playing deep whole tones or percussive chops. Particularly well-suited to extended-range and electric instruments, the CodaBow JOULE is the strong favorite for all high-octane performances.