Used 2000 Thormahlen Swan 36 string lever harp

Used 2000 Thormahlen Swan 36 string lever harp


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We are very excited to offer this 2000 Thormahlen Swan 36 string lever harp. Crafted from curly maple, this harp is extremely easy to play, with a tight string angle that creates offers a large range withing a slightly smaller design. The soundboard is of solid, non laminated, spruce and the staved soundbox is gorgeous with accented seams. The T-Braced pillar, also of spruce, creates a complementary wood aesthetic, while also adding strength. The Loveland levers are in perfect condition. This harp is in virtual pristine condition overall, with nary a scratch on her! New, this harp would run $8495, this harp is offered at $6400.

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