Consignment Policy

Instruments offered for the Online Consignment Shop will be stored at Vermont Violins and available exclusively for sale off our Online Consignment Shop page of our website. Owner should not anticipate that it will be a part of the general collection or shown in our brick-and-mortar showrooms, although it maybe at our sole discretion.

General Terms: Unless specifically excepted all violins are sold in playable, restored condition. Any repairs or adjustments including but not limited to new pegs, bridges, seams, strings, chinrests, and tailpieces will be the responsibility of the owner and deducted from the final remittance upon sale of the instrument or will be billable when the instrument is withdrawn from the consignment program. In some cases an instrument might be taken "AS IS" in which case the responsibility for payment will be the responsibility of the purchaser. However, "AS IS" sales are unusual and will be duly noted on this contract. Major repairs or restorations will be payable prior to acceptance into the consignment program.

Vermont Violins will also provide assistance with the instrument’s valuation and setting prices. The instruments will be stored at Vermont Violins and thus are fully insured against damage or theft. The instruments will be photographed in great detail on intake and thus only damage that occurs after that point will be insured. All photographs and marketing materials created for the sale of the instrument are the exclusive property of Vermont Violins.

Term Length and Cancellations: Instruments will be taken on a twelve-month basis (six month for harps). If the owner elects to withdraw the instrument before the end of this term, they will be responsible for a $95 service fee. If Vermont Violins opts to end the contract prior to the 12 months basis. No fee will be assessed to the consigner. Repair costs still apply. At the end of the term, this contingency contract becomes an open-ended “at will” contract: valid until either party requests in writing a cancellation of the contract, removal of the instrument from the Online Consignment Shop, and return of the instrument to the owner at the owners’ expense. In the event the instrument is removed from the Online Consignment Shop, the Owner will be responsible for picking up the instrument within two weeks. If the Owner fails to collect the instrument, it will be shipped back to them at the Owner’s expense or a storage fee will be charged. Instruments left for more than 6 months after Cancellation, will be considered abandoned property and ownership will revert to Vermont Violins with no remuneration to the Owner.

Payment Upon Sale: When an item sells, Vermont Violins will issue a check for 70% of the sales price with deductions from the remittance towards repairs or adjustments rendered. Checks will be issued within 45 days of sale, assuming purchaser has not exercised his or her right to return the instrument to us for a refund.

Minimum Floor Price: We highly recommend that all sellers set a Minimum Acceptable Sale Price. Customers will be invited to “make an offer” which will be accepted if the bid is at or above this minimum. Bids below this minimum will not be accepted without the expressed permission of the Owner. Furthermore, in the event that Vermont Violins elects to purchase the instrument, the floor price will be the basis of the purchase, adjusted for the commission.

General Terms and Conditions (summary):

· Any work performed by Vermont Violins at the request of the owner will be paid for at the time of service.

· The Initial Term length is 12 months for the most instruments, and 6 months for Harps. Early withdrawal before the end of the term will result in a $95 fee. After the Initial Term, the term becomes “at will”, and either party may request in writing a cancellation of the contract.

· Vermont Violins will provide the following: condition report and price guidance, photographs of the instrument, listing and advertising on our online store, storage and insurance of the instrument while it is in our custody, logistics and delivery of the instrument to the customer. Owner is responsible for shipping costs to and from Vermont Violins. If an item is not picked up within 2 weeks of consignment cancellation, a weekly storage fee will be charged. Property left for more than 6 months will be considered abandoned property.

· All Terms and Conditions as outlined above apply.

If you are interested in selling an instrument through Vermont Violins, please fill in the below form.

NOTE: Completion of this form does NOT guarantee that your instrument will be accepted into the shop inventory. We will be in touch as soon as possible to discuss the options available.

At Vermont Violins, we uphold a standard of excellence in all aspects of our service, especially when it comes to the instruments we consign. We firmly believe in providing our customers with the highest quality musical experience possible. Therefore, we only accept instruments (no child-size instruments) that meet our stringent criteria. Instruments must be in excellent condition, valued at a minimum of $500, and expertly set up to ensure optimal performance. By adhering to these parameters, we aim to guarantee that each customer who interacts with our instruments has a truly exceptional and satisfying experience.

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Consignment Sign-Up Form